Club Fundraisers

The Club’s effort to fund our projects reflects the member’s commitment to service following the four-way test of the things Rotarians think, say, or do: 1. Is It the Truth? 2. Is It Fair to All
Concerned? 3. Will It Build Good Will and Better Friendships? 4. Will It Be Beneficial to All Concerned? And we chose to add a fifth 5. Will it be fun?

Introduced by Bill Stramm in his presidency in 2010, the Happy Dollars segment during each meeting had become an enduring continuously run fundraiser where each member could have the
floor at the meeting to share whatever he chooses, such as a visit from one’s grandchildren, or ones’ celebration of a life event, or simply to have the floor to tease another member, a long-
standing good-natured joust between friends, where they alone could follow what’s going on.

Then there was the 50/50 Raffle at each meeting, where oftentimes the winner would donate the money prize back to the Rotary, until it was replaced by the current Card Jackpot game: Queen of Hearts.

The most successful and well-known fundraising effort of the Club is its Bi-annual Crab Cake Sales held before the July 4 and Thanksgiving holidays.


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